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Cubing record terminology

Cubing record terminology

The sport/hobby of speedcubing comes with a significant amount of weird terminology that is not seen elsewhere, some parents comment at speedcubing competitions that it is almost like a different language that their children are speaking with each other. In speedcubing, records of various kinds are celebrated and often very much abbreviated.

WR is short for World Record, the best time anyone in the world has achieved at an official WCA competition, if followed by another number (e.g. WR3) then its meaning changes to World Ranking and WR3 would mean the 3rd best average in the world achieved at an official competition. 

In the case of one person having multiple averages better than everyone else, only the PR (personal record) is considered, so Tymon Kolasinski's recent 4.84 average was (tied) WR2 despite YiHeng Wang having 10 better official averages.

PR is your personal record, the best time you have achieved personally in an official competition.

CR is continental record, the best time achieved by someone who is a citizen of a specified continent.

Various continents will have their own record abbreviations:

ER means European Record, the best time in competition achieved by a person who is a citizen of a European country. or European ranking when followed by a number.

NAR means North American Record, the best time in competition achieved by a person who is a citizen of a North American country. or North American ranking when followed by a number.

SAR means South American Record, the best time in competition achieved by a person who is a citizen of a South American country. or South American ranking when followed by a number.

ASR means Asian Record, the best time in competition achieved by a person who is a citizen of a Asian country. or Asian ranking when followed by a number.

AFR means African Record, the best time in competition achieved by a person who is a citizen of a African country. or African ranking when followed by a number.

OCR means Oceanic Record, the best time in competition achieved by a person who is a citizen of a country in Oceania. or Oceanic ranking when followed by a number.

On a technicality, there are occasionally some differences in the list of countries recognised in each continent by the World Cube Association to other organisations.

NR means National record, usually of the country you are in unless otherwise specified, obviously people can be temporarily living elsewhere or a person may have dual citizenship and choose the other country even if they don't usually live there.

SR is state record, usually only used in the USA, some other countries may have some minor consideration for regional records, however, this isn't usually recognised much.

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