4x4x4 written tutorial
How to solve a 4x4x4
in seven simple steps
Step 1: buy a good cube

There are many cubes around that simply are not up to standard; if your cube cannot turn a face 90° with one flick then it is not up to standard.
Buying a better cube is an important step if your cube is not up to standard as using a bad cube will be detrimental to your future speed.
Warning: solving a 4x4x4 requires knowledge of how to solve a 3x3x3; if you do not know how to solve a 3x3x3 then you should learn that first.
Recommended cubes:
Step 2: learn the notation
You should already know the following notation:

If you do not, then learn it.
You now need to also learn this notation:

Step 3: solve the centres

Part one: solve the first two centres
This step is easy and does not require instruction, your second centre should be opposite your first centre
Part two: solve the next four centres

Hold the cube with the first two centres to your left and right and form half a centre as shown, repeat this sort of idea until you have all six centres solved
Here are a few cases that you should learn:

Step 4: solve the edges

Match an edge up and then insert it into the bottom/top layer and then correct the centres

When you are pairing your last two edges do this algorithm in the position shown

Step 5: solve it like a 3x3x3
You were warned; if you can solve a 3x3x3 then this step should be very easy.
Step 6: parity

If you get this case when orienting the last layer, do this:

Likewise, if you get this case when permuting the last layer (where only two opposite edges are swapped, do this:

What next?
The cubing community is a fast-growing worldwide community
The World Cube Association hosted 1154 cubing competitions in 2018. You can see if there are any near you at www.worldcubeassociation.org/competitions
Other puzzles are available such as:
Purchase at speedcubing.org