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DianSheng Face Turning Octahedron coming soon

DianSheng Face Turning Octahedron coming soon

DianSheng seem to have finally got around to making a Face Turning Octahedron. The Face Turning Octahedron is an interesting puzzle that I haven't personally learnt to solve, maybe once their new version is released, I will learn to solve it. It is a puzzle that some cubers have really got into solving and some want it to be an official WCA event but the hardware has always been a major issue, some cubers have resorted to spending hours sanding down the LanLan FTO or modding the Super Ivy Cube with 3D printed extensions, hopefully this will soon be a thing of the past.

On May 9th 2024, DianSheng released a post asking for reviewers, 9 days later, they selected a list of reviewers, all these reviewers had to have previously filmed solves of a Face Turning Octahedron for their youtube channel, it is an interesting way of doing things, they could have just released the puzzle and it probably would have instantly been very popular, but it seems they are genuinely trying to make the best Face Turning Octahedron they possibly can. Hopefully it won't be too long until it gets released.

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