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How I built the World's largest magnetic 3x3 cube!

How I built the World's largest magnetic 3x3 cube!
Last month, @Z3Cubing uploaded a video where he magnetized a 30CM 3x3, after watching that video, I knew what I had to do, I knew it was time to magnetize my 40CM 3x3. I do enjoy solving very large cubes as it forces me to think slightly different about the solving method but it is also a bit of a workout. Z3 Cubing talked about how the magnets he used were way too strong so I made sure to order magnets about half the strength despite the cube being even bigger. I got through 8 bottles of superglue and used 48 25x2 N35 magnets, I managed to glue all the magnets in without dismantling the pieces which saved me a lot of time as these giant cubes have a split piece design but the split pieces are glued together and very hard to take apart and put back together. In the end, I don't think magnetizing giant cubes is actually a good idea as I suspect the magnets actually slow me down as they make every turn take even more effort but obviously I am not taking them out now!

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