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QiYi are releasing a magnetic mirror cube today

QiYi are releasing a magnetic mirror cube today

QiYi have been teasing and counting down the release of their new mirror cube for some time and it appears that today is the day when they are finally releasing it, I am not sure when I will actually have them in stock but hopefully it won't be too long.

Previously, the only magnetic mirror cube released was from Gan and it was initially quite popular but the enthusiasm died down a bit over time, especially as it seems very unlikely that mirror cube will ever be a WCA event due to various regulation considerations that would have to be made (how large the difference between the layers has to be).

Based on QiYi's instagram post, it appears that QiYi will be releasing 3 new mirror cubes, a green one, a blue one and one with normal colours, they will also have stickers. Having stickers is a surprising design choice as most recent mirror cube releases have not had any stickers, the green or blue colour also differentiates QiYi from all other brands. It is interesting that they are also releasing a normal coloured one, this would essentially function like the discontinued MeiLong Unequal Cube but perform better, I never actually made the connection between that and the mirror cube until QiYi mentioned it in their posts.

Ultimately, I suspect the QiYi magnetic mirror cubes will be significantly cheaper than the Gan and a few people will probably get them as they will probably perform about the same, but there will be more excitement whenever anyone else released a Face Turning Octahedron as there is a realistic chance that that could be a future WCA event. DianSheng got there first though with their decent version.

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