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UK Championships 2024: How were my predictions?

UK Championships 2024: How were my predictions?

The UK championships took place last weekend and it is always exciting to see who will come out on top when so many cubers face off against each other in all the different WCA events.

As I predicted, I was not quite able to podium in anything, I actually did better in 6x6 where I placed 5th out of the UK competitors.

In Pyraminx, Daniel Partridge just about managed to win but Caleb Wolf Dunn was only 0.01 seconds off with a PR average 0f 2.24 seconds in the final, Nathan Olano also got a PR average in the final to come 3rd. Edward Burgess was somehow all the way down in 10th (7th UK). Pyraminx is one of the hardest events to perform well at in a final as it is so easy to make a wrong move and ruin the solve.

2x2 was really exciting as in the first round, both James Alonso and Luke Burns broke the national record and tied a new national record of 1.22, in the final James Alonso edged ahead and also broke the national record again with 1.20 seconds.

Megaminx was just as predictable as I suspected, Aidan Grainger won and Sean Moran was close behind in 2nd, 3rd place was taken by Oliver Richards with an average over 10 seconds slower.

Ben Stokes won 3x3 Blindfolded, Ryan Eckersley actually came 2nd and Jaye Sloan 3rd, these 3 were all way ahead. Ryan Eckersley also easily won 4x4 and 5x5 blindfolded, he also managed to win multi-blind but that was a lot closer.

Ariel Benchetrit easily won skewb as predicted, he was beaten by two foreigners but they aren't eligible for prizes. Fabio Schwandt came 2nd and Harry Owen somehow came 3rd, Harry's 3.72 average wouldn't have even made the finals according to the psych sheet.

Eli Jay managed to win 5x5 and 6x6 but failed to win 4x4 and 7x7 despite breaking the national record and setting the UK's first sub-2 7x7 single in the first round, Daniel Partridge ultimately won 7x7 and Harishan Ramanan won 4x4

James Alonso easily won 3x3 as predicted, Alan Fang came 2nd and Johnny Morello Kerlaff came 3rd.


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