multi-blind world record holder, Graham Siggins, finally got a successful solve on 10x10 blindfolded yesterday, this is only the 2nd ever successful 10x10 blindfolded solve and is significantly faster than the only ever successful attempt by Enoch Gray in 2018 (1:32.28).
Over the past few days, Graham Siggins has been doing 1-3 attempts per day on livestreams on his channel, he finally got a successful attempt on attempt 24 of the season, however, he has done 3 previous seasons so has done around 75 attempts in total.
Enoch Gray is the only person to have solved to have solved a 11x11 blindfolded, he also did 3 attempts at 13x13 blindfolded but only one was remotely close, it seems he has now given up on pushing that stuff anymore.
The viability of these records has improved significantly in the past few years due to the introduction of magnetic higher order cubes, the DianSheng Galaxy series allows for these sort of things to be faster and more reliable. These sort of attempts require incredible accuracy as one tiny misalignment can completely ruin the attempt.