I had a bit of trouble trying to unscrew the side so I could insert my new store sign but after a bit of fiddling around I managed to open it up! Since I now have a proper warehouse where everything is stored, it seemed necessary to get a professional looking sign. My sign was printed by Peterborough-Print who have a unit very nearby and does look very good, the guy there actually altered my logo slightly as all I had was a screenshot of it, I couldn't find the original logo, so he actually remade the same logo and I just decided to switch the logo over to his copy of it anyway!
Since I run a cube store, I had to try and put my sign up using cubes, it was only the natural thing to do! I needed to stand on top of two cubes so I was pleased that I had 3 cubes that I was confident could take my weight! I was then able to create two steps so I could climb up and insert my sign while standing on top of two cubes!
Hopefully soon I will get my google listing up but speedcubing.org is officially open to visitors. It is not a shop so I probably won't have regular opening times but if you let me know that you would like to visit beforehand then I can try to ensure I will be in when you want to come.