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New MoYu AoSu and AoChuang?

New MoYu AoSu and AoChuang?

There are rumours floating around that MoYu will soon be releasing a new AoSu and AoChuang, it still remains to be seen what suffix they will use this time as the WRM line seems to no longer be used.

The MoYu AoSu WRM was first released in 2019 and has been very popular ever since, it is still used by many of the top cubers, when the cube was first released it finally beat out the QiYi WuQue 4x4 which had been the best on the market for about 3 years (although many preferred the AoSu GTS2M when it was released in 2018). The YJ MGC was released in 2020 and has probably sold better overall, however, it is almost half the price and that has probably had an impact on sales with the AoSu WRM being seen as the more high-end option. However, in 2024, the Vin 4x4 was released, this 4x4 is only slightly more expensive than the MGC and seems to be a significant improvement, the MGC had quality control issues so some of them didn't perform as well, whereas the Vin 4x4 seems consistently good. I am excited to see whether MoYu can finally improve on their old 4x4, it is worth noting that the AoSu WRM was 59mm which is smaller than most 4x4s, I wonder whether MoYu will keep the size the same or put it back up to 60mm like the MGC and Vin 4x4. There have also been rumours about a Gan 4x4 but I suspect that won't be released for a while as Gan will want to release the Gan 15 first.

The MoYu AoChuang WRM was released in 2020 and has probably been one of the least popular products in the WRM line, personally I quite liked it but I think it works for a specific style of 5x5 solving, specifically people who do edge pairing on the M slice, I realised that the other good cubers who liked it were Michal Halczuk and AnYu Zhang who also did edge pairing on M. 5x5 has seen more recent competition with the release of the X-Man Hong, the Gan 562 and DaYan NeZha and core magnets have made a bigger difference, with the Hong and Gan 562 both having core magnets and becoming popular very quickly. It will be harder for MoYu to break into the 5x5 market and trust will be more difficult for them to gain, however, I do hope the puzzle performs very well, maybe I can finally get a sub-1 official 5x5 average!

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