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QiHeng S2 megaminx + magnetic version unboxing

QiHeng S2 megaminx + magnetic version unboxing

It has been quite a while since QiYi has released any megaminx, the last relevant megaminx they released was the Galaxy V2M from almost 6 years ago. Now they have released two budget megaminxes, the first being the QiHeng S2 which is a non-magnetic megaminx available at a very low price, I feel it turns better than its competitors so would probably be my go to at that price. They also released a magnetic version which is the same price as the YuHu V2M, its performance is certainly comparable to the YuHu V2M and potentially even exceeds it, it is definitely ahead of competitors such as the YuXin Little Magic V3M and may potentially become my recommendation for a budget megaminx.

Non-magnetic version

magnetic version

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