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Speedygonecuber's visit to my warehouse

Speedygonecuber's visit to my warehouse

Speedygonecuber has finally uploaded his video about his visit to my warehouse, it was quite a while ago when he actually visited but it reminded me of all the fun activities I was able to do. If you want to come and visit then you can contact me and sort that out.

I just really should have turned the lights on, I didn't realise how dark some of the shelves would be when filmed on his camera.

I set him a few challenges including pyraminx size relay, 38CM cube and 4x4 mirror blindfolded.

SpeedyGoneCuber Website: ➤ SpeedyGoneCuber Merch Store: ➤https://speedygonecuber.creator-sprin... HELP HIM REACH 10,000 SUBSCRIBERS BY THE END OF THIS YEAR!: ➤


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