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Timebase project

Timebase project

WCA competitions are excellent events but as cubing becomes more competitive it becomes ever more important to minimize problems such as misscrambles and scorecard mixups, Timebase is one interesting potential solution, solve times are instantly uploaded to WCA live once the judge confirms that the solve was ok and it is designed to make it impossible for misscrambles and cube mixups to happen.

This video explains how the system works:

Timebase was first tested at Bay Area Speedcubin' 54 Live - SSF 2023 on November 5th 2023 and the competition ran well, it was slightly behind schedule but this is likely due to it being a new thing, once competition organisers get used to it, it looks very promising. The competition was livestreamed on Matthew Mayernik's channel.

Useful information:

TimeBase's Affordability: TimeBase is designed to be cost-effective, offering a more budget-friendly alternative to the existing speedstacks displays on the market. This affordability ensures that a wide range of competitions can embrace this innovative technology.

Battery Operation: The current iteration of TimeBase relies on batteries for power. However, plans for mass production involve the implementation of rechargeable battery systems, similar to camera batteries. This will enhance convenience and sustainability.

Versatile Venue Usage: TimeBase doesn't shy away from venues with poor or no internet access. It features a backup system that creates a local Wi-Fi network, allowing data to be collected locally and transmitted when a suitable internet connection becomes available.

Optimal Scrambling: While multiple individuals can scramble on a single laptop, it's recommended not to exceed two readers per laptop. This strategic approach aims to minimize errors and ensure a smooth competition experience.

Support and Open Source: If you're interested in supporting TimeBase, there are currently no crowdfunding plans. However, you can reach out for support inquiries at It's important to note that TimeBase is not open source, with no plans for open-sourcing the technology at this time.

Personal Use Potential: While TimeBase is primarily designed for competitive use, there is a potential for personal use if there's enough interest and demand after its official deployment in competitions.

Conclusion: TimeBase is set to revolutionize competitive speedcubing by offering an accessible, efficient, and technologically advanced alternative to traditional scorecards. Stay tuned for its debut and witness how it transforms the way we experience cubing competitions, making them more convenient, accurate, and engaging for both participants and organizers.

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