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MoYu MeiLong 7x7x7 V2M review

MoYu MeiLong 7x7x7 V2M review

The Meilong 7x7x7 V2M is a surprisingly good budget 7x7, it is £15, making it the same price as the YuFu V2M which has been my go to recommendation for budget 7x7s for some time now. It has a design based off the AoFu WRM but is not quite as similar as I first thought (and seem to think in the video!). I would say that it is better than the YuFu V2M so replaces it as my 'cheaper than the MGC' recommendation. It comes in at 63mm which is 1mm smaller than the AoFu WRM, which is already smaller than most cubes anyway. It weighs 165 grams which is not that much lighter than other 7x7s but is slightly lighter. Corner cutting seems to be a bit lacking on the reverse side, it can do 33° 1 layer forward but only 10° 1 layer reverse, however it is more resilient against major lock-ups and pops from attempting to force corner-cuts more than it is capable of.

You can buy it here

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