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DaYan announces new ZhanChi V5

DaYan announces new ZhanChi V5

DaYan have recently announced that they will be releasing a ZhanChi V5, the ZhanChi series was very famous in 2011-2013 and the original DaYan ZhanChi was the best speedcube on the market for a lot of that era, DaYan have tried multiple times to revive the hype of this cube with the ZhanChi 2017, ZhanChi 2018 and ZhanChi Pro M but none have generated the same interest. It will be interesting to see whether DaYan can make this cube good, it seems they have decided that the cube will be 55.5mm for some reason, despite the 55mm and the 54mm versions of the GuHong Pro being more popular on my store.

DaYan have announced that there will be 3 versions, the information I have is based on using Google Translate so may not be 100% accurate:

Standard: Features corner-edge magnets and spring tensioning

Fancy: Features corner-edge magnets and maglev tensioning (which reduces friciton by having repelling magnets instead of springs)

Premium: Features corner-edge magnets and maglev tensioning, as well as corner-core magnets to further improve the stability

I am excited to try this cube out, DaYan made a huge step towards reviving their GuHong line so it will be interesting to see if they can do the same with their ZhanChi line, I suspect I will have stock in early December.

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