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Is he pranking us again? Tony Fisher unveils '100x100x100'

Is he pranking us again? Tony Fisher unveils '100x100x100'

Tony Fisher is a very well known puzzle designer and has previously held the world record for the largest 3x3 of over 2 meters which is still sat in his garage. He posted a video where he claims to have built a 100x100x100, however, I for one am skeptical, as are many others.

In the video, he only turns the three layers in the same direction, he claims a video demonstrating more moves will be coming soon but we will have to wait and see about that, to claim the puzzle is fully functional he will have to demonstrate that the cube can be put in a checkerboard pattern.

I personally suspect that the puzzle is actually a 1x1x100 but with markings to make it look like a 100x100x100, it is still a very impressive thing to pull off. 

In 2015, Tony Fisher pranked his viewers with a 28x28 which would have been the world record at the time and later demonstrated how it was actually a MoYu 13x13 with stickers specially made to make it look like a 28x28 and some carefully choreographed turns to make it look as if it can turn fully, it will be interesting to see how he pulled off the prank this time as his new puzzle is stickerless.

Matt Bahner, who made the 34x34, stated in his documentary that he wanted to one day build a 100x100 and that he believed it would be possible, however, he did also say that he did not plan to do it for decades. It is rumoured that Jacob Cubing is currently working on a 50x50 or 51x51 but he is trying to keep that under wraps (and I am not helping him...)

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