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Gan 15 coming soon?

Gan 15 coming soon?

The hype for the Gan 15 is beginning to cement itself into the community as is to be expected at this time of the year. It seems Gan intend to continue producing their annual flagship 3x3 with a release around October each year. This seems like the perfect time for them to release it as it allows many children to request it as a Christmas present.

Despite many of the top speedcubers sponsored by Gan still preferring the Gan 12, The Gan 13 and Gan 14 have still been very popular, especially after their initial releases. The Gan 13 and 14 both have the additional edge-core magnets not seen in the Gan 12, they seem to have reduced the strength of the edge-core magnet in the Gan 14. I don't think edge-core magnets are really very useful, especially if they are very strong, it would not be surprising to me if the edge-core magnet is completely removed from the Gan 15 but then we would expect them to come up with some new innovation.

A select few Gan sponsorees have received initial prototypes of the Gan 15, including Matty Hiroto Inaba, Matty seems to have decided to use the Gan 15 as his main, Matty has been using the Gan 12 for over 2 years and almost switched to the Gan 14 last year but decided the Gan 12 was still slightly better for him. It is exciting to see Matty switching to the Gan 15, especially when it is just a prototype so there may still be improvements waiting to be made on it. Leo Borromeo has also received a sample and appears to be considering using it as his main.

I am very excited to see whether this cube will live up to its expectations and finally convince the top cubers to switch, I will endeavour to try it out as soon as I can get hold of one and aim to be the first in the UK to stock the puzzle.

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