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MoYu MoFang JiaoShi RS4M 4x4x4 speedcube

MoYu MoFang JiaoShi RS4M 4x4x4 speedcube
The RS4M has been announced recently and we hope to have it up for pre-order soon, from the little information we currently have available it seems like it will be a nice contender to the meilong 4x4x4 M and QiYi MS, it is 61.5mm. It appears to be slightly lacking in reverse corner cutting and may create a significant contrast with the Meilong 4x4x4 M, we hope it will perform well and possibly even challenge the YJ MGC. Recently we have seen budget 3x3x3s become very good and reasonable main contenders for top speedcubers, this may happen with 4x4x4s soon as well.

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