Harry Owen
Age: 15
Role in Speedcubing.org: sponsoree
WCA Profile: https://www.worldcubeassociation.org/persons/2017OWEN01
Main Events: Skewb, 3x3 With Feet, 3x3
Social Media: YouTube, Instagram
Biggest Cubing Accomplishment: Making skewb finals at UKC2019
Upcoming Competitions:
Bio: Hi I am Harry Owen a speedcuber from London who has been cubing for nearly 4 years. I enjoy all events but my favourite events are skewb, feet and 3x3 along with the BLD events. In the next year I would like to get my skewb average down to about 3 seconds and eventually I would like to be 1st in the world for kinchranks though I don't know how feasible that is. Next year I am hopefully going to Euros and would like to qualify for all events and make skewb finals.