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AoSu V7 release date announced

AoSu V7 release date announced

This month is going to be a very exciting month for new cubes! MoYu have recently announced a release date for the new AoSu V7, it has been a long time since I first saw information about this cube and I am excited to finally get to try it for myself.

MoYu have said that it will be released on Friday, it will probably be about a week after that before I can get hold of them though. The AoSu V7 seems to be a very exciting new 4x4 release featuring 'six sided integration control'. I don't think it is completely confirmed but I suspect there will be multiple versions, it would be good if they find a way of making core-corner magnets work for 4x4 as it is so useful in 5x5s.

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