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Lachlan Gibson breaks clock world record single

Lachlan Gibson breaks clock world record single

Last Saturday we saw Lachlan Gibon from New Zealand break the clock world record single with a solve of 1.86 seconds, this is only the 2nd solve ever done in under 2 seconds and beats the previous world record held by Brendyn Dunagan by 0.11 seconds, it will be interesting to see if Lachlan Gibson can also get the world record average soon, the top 3 averages in the world are all held by Volydymyr Kapustianskyi from Ukraine (currently living in the US) but Lachlan Gibson has the 5th and 6th best average.

This all goes to show what a dramatic few years clock has had, it has gone from an event where many people were talking about how it should be removed from the WCA to a highly competitive event with the world record falling quickly and drastically, the current top 100 clock singles and averages were all done in 2024 and 2025, this has largely been due to the invention of 7-SIMUL, a method which has allowed people to effectively and efficiently memorize the other side of the clock to avoid flipping but then simultaneously move each side to reduce the number of total moves. Caleb Trelford who was one of the original pioneers of this method and world record holder in 2022, is now down at rank #84 for best average, it will be interesting to see how much further this can be pushed.

It goes without saying that all these results were achieved with the QiYi Clock which is now available in other colours such as blue and lilac

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