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My new 3x3x3 PB Single! reconstruction + answering some Q&A questions

My new 3x3x3 PB Single! reconstruction + answering some Q&A questions

I was getting some pretty good times for about half an hour and then this comes along, it was a pretty easy solution and was very easy for me to reconstruct, it is a pretty common thing for me to try. This beats my previous PB by 0.65 seconds and ties it with the current official world record average.

00:05.091 - D2 L' U2 R' F2 R2 D2 R' D2 R' D2 B L2 R B' R D' R2 U R

X2 U' R' D U' L U' M' z

R U' R' U

R' U R U' R' U R

d R U' R' U R U' R'

U F R U' R' U' R U R' F' U2

Cube used: Gan 12 Leap

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