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QiYi XT3 V1 unboxing

QiYi XT3 V1 unboxing

The QiYi XT3 V1 was a bit of an unexpected release, there had been rumours that Max Park had another cheaper cube from QiYi that was in development at the same time as the Tornado V4 but it was a bit of a surprise to see it released so shortly after the Tornado V4. The XT3 V1 feels quite similar to the Tornado V4 but it feels a bit lighter and a bit faster. They have taken the unusual decision of putting in core-corner magnets similar to the design from Gan where there is no ball core enclosing the core magnets, I think this can cause some slight catching sometimes. All in all, this cube will be liked by some people, including it appears, Max Park.

There are two versions:



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