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Daniel’s School Visit and Running a Cubing Club.

Daniel’s School Visit and Running a Cubing Club.

Last month Daniel visited Sutton Grammar School, which was where he started a cubing
club and several years ago. I remember him selling cubes around school
back then, some of which I still own today, as I expect many other students from the time do.
Cubing remains popular in the school – perhaps even more so than in 2019 – and I now run
the school cubing club. We meet each week and simply solve twisty puzzles and talk about
cubing. This year we had a house cubing competition involving 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, Pyraminx
and Skewb in which more than 70 people entered. I would recommend that anyone who
runs a school cubing club try to organise a competition within school. This will likely be more
successful if you hold the competition over the course of several days or weeks than just on
one day, as there will be more time for everyone to enter. You can print out forms for people
to write down their times and then record the times on a spreadsheet.
If your school does not have a cubing club, I would recommend starting one. You might be
surprised that several others share the hobby, and it is a good opportunity to show
leadership. All you need is a classroom to use and a few cubes, and even non-cubers will be
drawn to trying to learn how to solve a 3x3, once they realise it is not that difficult to learn.
Perhaps if your cubing club becomes popular enough, you could arrange competitions with
other schools. There is a page on this website which gives more detailed advice about
starting a school cubing club.
Thank you to Daniel for visiting – he brought his stall and spoke with the cubers at the
school. He could visit your school too.

By Oliver Karlsson

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