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Why you need to learn to fix cubes!

Why you need to learn to fix cubes!
As the average age of the cubing community has decreased and as cubes have improved, I have noticed that newer cubers are no longer able to even do basic pop fixes and I think this is problematic, while it can be very frustrating at the time to have to fix a cube, it is a useful thing to learn to do, as is fixing loads of things. All of these cubes had to be assembled at one point and most of them were assembled by hand in China (although a growing number are automated now). I plan to make some more tutorials on fixing various pops, I don't think I will make these public videos but maybe put them as unlisted and then in a playlist and on my website. It is easy for me as a cube store owner to just offer to do it for you but just like it is unwise for a parent to feed a child whatever food the child wants, I think the right thing to do is to say that you should try and do this yourself as that will ultimately bring more satisfaction and in the future you will know what you are doing.

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