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YiHeng Wang breaks 2x2 world record again

YiHeng Wang breaks 2x2 world record again

Last weekend, YiHeng Wang reclaimed his 2x2 world record that he had lost after 3 months due to the sliding controversy. After his 0.78 average was eliminated due to him sliding the timer which showed that he was touching the cube and the timer at the same time when the video was slowed down, the world record was given back to Zayn Khanani with his 0.91 average, however, it seems that YiHeng Wang has now reclaimed it and there don't appear to be any accusations of sliding this time.

It seems there is always some controversy when YiHeng Wang claims world records, some of it is legitimate but I feel some of it is resentment, some people just don't want a 10 year old kid to hold the world record, it does seem from the video that he is not attempting to slide anymore.

It is also worth noting that he was using the a MoYu 2x2 as he has moved away from Gan and is now sponsored by MoYu, I presume the 2x2 is the new WeiPo V5 which will be available soon, it is definitely good marketing if someone breaks the world record with your cube just as you are releasing it!

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