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Doing 3x3x3 Blindfolded memorization while rabbling about it

Doing 3x3x3 Blindfolded memorization while rabbling about it

3x3x3 Blindfolded memorization usually requires significant concentration so I wanted to see whether I could do it while talking engagingly as that may be something I will want to try at various events such as market stalls. I am quite new to 3x3x3 blindfolded in reality, I have not learned many of the advanced techniques and use brute force repetition for memorizing instead of letter pairs but I am still able to do this, when I have more time on my hands I plan to learn M2 and possibly eventually 3 style in order to do this faster as I feel it is a useful skill to have as people will probably not pay attention if you are just spending 2 minutes looking at a cube before putting a blindfold on. By at least talking I hope that I am preventing the inevitable loss of attention.

3x3x3 blindfolded tutorial

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