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Finally doing FTO now a good one exists

Finally doing FTO now a good one exists
The FTO stands for Face Turning Octahedron, it is a shame that that is the best name cubers have come up with but it is what we all call it. For many years cubers have had to make do with the LanLan FTO which was not very good and many cubers spent hours modding it to make it perform slightly better. Now that DianSheng have finally released an FTO that turns decently and is magnetic, I decided I would actually learn to solve it, the solving process is very much a mixture of various other puzzles with stratergies from skewb and big cubes and took me quite a while to fully understand. After a lot of watching tutorials I simply didn't understand some of the stuff around triplet formation in the last layer so I managed to find another way of solving it which I think works quite well, obviously there are more efficient ways of doing it but I can now solve it and should be able to do all 5 solves when it is held as an unofficial event at Hampshire Autumn 2024. You can buy the DianSheng FTO here

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