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MoYu Super RS3M V2 coming soon

MoYu Super RS3M V2 coming soon

I had a stall at Stevenage last weekend and lots of people were asking when I would have the Super RS3M V2 available, it appears that MoYu are treating this as a flagship speedcube since there is a long teasing period, I do not expect to receive stock of the Super RS3M V2 until around mid-July unfortunately, I plan to put it up for pre-order at some point soon once I can set a price and know they are coming. It appears to be a promising cube, Luke Garrett was sent a sample and likes it but said he will stick with the WeiLong V9, some other cubers have tried it with varying responses.

MoYu's marketing says it will have an adjutable maglev system which is presumeably no different to MoYu's other 2023 releases. MoYu claim it has full corner-cutting which is believeable based on the Weilong V9s performance. It appears to not have core-edge magnets but has core-corner magnets which is probably best in my opinion. Hopefully it will be an excellent cube when it does finally arrive and I will be sure to try it out right away.

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