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Sameer Aggarwal breaks Square-1 World Record

Sameer Aggarwal breaks Square-1 World Record

On Saturday 11th June at Gem City Ohio Showdown 2025 in the USA, Sammer Aggarwal broke the Square-1 world record average with an average time of 4.69 seconds, this beats the previous world record of 4.81 which was achieved by Dylan Baumback last year, it is also only Sameer's 2nd sub-5 second average. Square-1 has become a lot more competitive in the last few years with various method developments, especially since that competition in 2022 where 4 competitors broke the previous world record on the same day.

The current British national record is not even sub-7 which shows how incredible the world record is, Isaac Corker currently holds the national record with an average of 7.01 seconds, Isaac Corker beat Charlie Stark's National Record last year, a record which at one point was world class, as Charlie Stark himself held world records back in 2018.

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