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Speedcubing news 31/05/2023

Last weekend was the first time the UK has had two large UK competitions on the same weekend! We had Hampshire Spring down in the south and Glasgow Spring up in Scotland, I was up at Glasgow and my stall did quite well but the real excitement seems to have happened at Hampshire with Daniel Partridge breaking the pyraminx European record with an average of 1.57, placing him 2nd in the world! It seems that they had very good scrambles in that final since the top 5 in the UK for pyraminx are all from that round at that competition. Edward Burgess also got an average of 1.80 which would have broken the previous national record and places him 12th in the world.

Ryan Eckersley got a 5x5x5 blindfolded single of 3:20.19 at Glasgow Spring 2023 which improves his own national record

Ben Stokes got the 3x3x3 Blindfolded mean national record back of Charlie Harrisson with a mean of 20.36 at Hampshire Spring 2023.

For continental records we saw Manuel Gutman from Argentina break the 5x5x5 blindfolded South American Record single with a time of 3:50.29 and the 4x4x4 blindfolded CR single of 1:24.09 at Jaqueca Di Tella 2023 (but Ryan Eckersley is faster!)

Benjamin Warry from Australia broke the Square-1 Oceanic record single with a time of 4.28 at Runaway Bay May Sunday 2023

Guido Dipeitro from Argentina broke the 3x3x3 Fewest Moves South American Record single and average with a single of 18 and a mean of 22.00 at Jaqueca Di Tella 2023

Jasper Murray from New Zealand broke the Pyraminx Oceanic record average with an average of 1.65 at Cashmer Open 2023 (I remember Daniel Partridge saying that he really liked watching his example solves but now he has beaten him!)

Alexei Sinyavin from the United States broke the megaminx single and average North American Record with a single of 26.16 and average of 28.67 at Westchester Weeknights 1 2023, this also ended Nicholas Naing's 8 year streak of never losing a round of megaminx at a competition!

Stanley Chapel almost reclaimed his 5x5x5 Blindfolded single world record off Hill Pong Yong Feng but was off by 0.04 seconds with his single of 2:19.11 at Washentaw Qualifier 2023, he will therefore be disappointed with his North American Record

Leandro Martin Lopez from Argentina broke the megaminx single and average world records with a single of 24.83 and an average of 27.34 at Jaqueca Di Tella 2023

For cube release news we have the DianSheng Gigaminx on the way now, I will shortly be putting it up for preorder.

MoYu have released some cube robot boxes, I doubt these will be very popular but I might get a few to stock.

QiYi have released a QiYi M Pro training mat, they seem to be trying weirdly hard to milk their new budget cube which isn't really anything special, I might stock the mat but I have lots of their other mats in stock and they haven't been selling well lately.



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