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Two new 4x4s coming soon?!

Two new 4x4s coming soon?!

In the past week we have received some exciting news from two popular cubing brands.

MoYu has posted another post teasing their new 4x4, suggesting it will be called the AoSu V7 and come with a ball core, meanwhile, VinCube has also teased a ball core version of their own 4x4 which was released earlier this year.

It has been 5 years since the initial release of the AoSu WRM and it is still used by so many top cubers despite being so old now, so it is very exciting to see MoYu produce a 4x4 that they think will be better, I don't believe MoYu would release a new 4x4 unless they genuinely believed it to be better than the AoSu WRM as that would damage their reputation significantly.

I am slightly concerned about the insistence on releasing a ball core version for both of these products as there are issues with ball cores on 4x4s as they create an uneven magnetic feeling, I personally don't use a ball core 4x4 despite having a ball core version of all the viable 4x4 speedcubes currently on the market. I have heard of new ideas such as having magnets between the corner and edge feet instead of to the core, however, I don't have the resources to experiment like that at the moment. I just hope that MoYu and VinCube will do the experimenting necessary to figure out the best way to add extra magnets to a 4x4 that will genuinely improve the stability of the puzzle. And if not, I hope that MoYu at least will release a non-ball core version that is still better than the regular AoSu WRM.

Update: MoYu have now released the AoSu V7

Update: VinCube have aso released the core magnetic version

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