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YiHeng Wang breaks world record 3x3 single with 3.08

YiHeng Wang breaks world record 3x3 single with 3.08

on Sunday morning we woke up to the news that YiHeng Wang had finally broken the world record single with a solve of 3.08 seconds, this beats the previous world record of 3.13 which was set by Max Park back in 2023. 

The solve looks incredibly impressive and further analysis reveals that a sub-3 single was definitely possible if he didn't lock up, if he got a PLL skip at the end instead of a U perm then the solve could even have been low-2

Reconstruction (by Stewy on {comments mine}:

U2 R' D2 R B2 D2 B2 R2 B F U F R2 B2 R F' L2 F2 L

z' y // inspection
U' D' r R' D U' R' U' D // cross - this is quite a strange solution and clearly tells me that YiHeng had looked very far into the solve to do something like that.
R U R' // 1st pair - obvious
L U L' U' L U L2' // 2nd pair - solving this pair first allows him to cancel straight into pair 3
U' L // 3rd pair
U2 R' U R U' R' U R // 4th pair - back - right pair solved, the entire solve was completely rotationless and entirely RUL gen after cross
U' R' U R' U' R3 U' R' U R U R' U' U R' U' // EPLL - if only he had successfully executed the S move U perm - that could have been sub-2.5?

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This solve was done with the Super WeiLong V2 which is now on pre-order, hopefully I will be able to try the cube that has already convinced two fast chinese kids to switch from Gan to MoYu and broken both world record single and average before it was even released.



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