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YiHeng Wang's £11000 mistake?

YiHeng Wang's £11000 mistake?
YiHeng Wang recently broke the world record single with a solve time of 3.08 seconds but on closer analysis it does seem like he could have gone even faster. His TPS was ridiculously fast, averaging over 14 Turns Per Second (TPS) during the solve. He is thought to have planned out the entire F2L during inspection and was able to do it all with just RUL moves, he then got an OLL skip and was onto PLL at 1.9 seconds, this is where he messed up a bit, the U perm he got took a bit longer than he is obviously capable of, he did the U perm from the back but added an extra U' and then U while he was doing the final R2 move before AUF, this seemingly insignificant error probably cost him the solve being under 3 seconds and £11000, assuming he is able to claim the prize money promised by MoYu for such world records using their cubes. This world record was done with the Super WeiLong V2 which is now available for pre-order.

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