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Cubing News for late march 2023

In the UK we had two speedcubing competitions in the past week - one in Bolton and one in Chippenham.

Notable UK results included at Bolton:

Daniel Partridge achieved a 2x2x2 single of 0.65 which is a new national record, it beats the previous record held by James Alonso by 0.03, prior to 2023 the national record was still held by Oliver Frost from 2015.

Daniel Partridge also broke his own Pyraminx average national record with an average of 1.92, this is his first sub-2 second official average and places him 19th in the world!

And at Chippenham:

Sean Moran broke his own megaminx national record twice, first with a 34.39 average and then later with a 33.96 average, this average places him 15th in the world. He did not actually win megaminx at the competition as in the final he was beaten by Aidan Grainger, albeit both got slower times.

Jacob Chambers broke the clock single world record, he got a single of 2.77 in his first solve, he then got another 2.80 single for his second solve, also beaten the previous world record. Unfortunately, he did not break the average world record despite getting 3 2 secong solves in the average as his other two solves were both 6 second solve, his counting times were 2.80, 2.89 and 6.14.

In the 3x3x3 finals things got very interesting, James Alonso broke the 3x3x3 national record with an average of 6.24 seconds, after hearing of this, previous national record Chris Mills knew he needed a good final solve to get his national record back, unfortunately for him, his last solve was not good enough, he achieved an average of 6.30 which beat his own previous national record but was not good enough to beat James Alonso's new record.

In international news:

Max Park broke the 4x4x4 average world record with an average of 19.38 at Arizona Speedcubing Spring 2023.

Leandro Martin Lopex broke the megaminx world record single with a solve of 24.92 at Di Tella Open 2023.

Junseop Kim from Korea got the Square-1 average Asian Record with an average of 6.77 at Ansan Spring 2023, at the same competition Park Ji Won got the Square-1 single Asian Record with a single of 5.02.

Andrey Che from Russia got the 3x3x3 One-handed single European Record of 6.29 at Save Ramir Cubing Kazakhstan 2023

Benjamin Warry from Australia got the Square-1 single Oceanic Record with a single of 4.09 at Sydney Ultimate Clock Clash 2023

Ayooluwa Samuel Dada from Nigeria got the 5x5x5 cube average African Record of 1:01.08 and the 7x7x7 average African Record of 2:51.72 and single of 2:47.71 at Luzon Championship 2023

Ezra Shere From United States got the Pyraminx average North American record of 1.73 at Pickering B 2023, this beat Kyle Meade's North American Record average of 1.78 from the previous day (but at a different competition).

Antonio Kam Ho Tung from Hong Kong got the 3x3x3 blindfolded single Asian Record with a dolve of 15.52 at Bay Area Speedcubin' 42 2023

Manuel Gutman from Argentina got the 3x3x3 blindfolded South American Record single with a solve of 16.18 at Di Tella Open 2023

Vicenzo Guerino Cecchini from Brazil got the Square-1 single South American Record with a solve of 4.68 at Di Tella Open 2023

Phoenix Patterson from Australia got the 2x2x2 average Oceanic Record with an average of 1.14 at Speedcubing at Seaworks 2023, it seems that quite a few people are beginning to get a bit closer to catching Zayn Khanani, he is still 0.13 seconds ahead currently and has the top 18 average results of all time.

Cube release news:

YuXin have released the Multi Pyraminx, this seems to be a pretty pointless puzzle and very trivial indeed.

There is now a Gan 13 Maglev FX, FX just means fixed settings, meaning you can't change the magnet strength, it is the same as the other Gan 13s beside that.

YJ are releasing a MGC Evo 3x3x3 v2, Hopefully I will get them in stock quickly so I can see whether it competes with other 3x3x3s out there.

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