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Luke Garrett becomes the best cuber in the world (by sum of ranks)

Luke Garrett becomes the best cuber in the world (by sum of ranks)

Luke Garrett, from the United States, has recently become the best speedcuber in the world by average sum of ranks, sum of ranks is a measurement of overall speedcubing ability where a competitors world ranking for each event is added together and whoever has the lowest total can be considered to be the best cuber in the world.

This title was previously held by Martin Vaedele Egdal from Denmark who had held it for a few years but now he has finally been beaten, I personally did not expect Luke Garrett to beat him as he is mostly known for 3x3, I suspected other cubers such as Tommy Cherry and Stanley Chapel would be the first to beat him as they are more specialized in blind events but are still decent at other events (Stanley Chapel won Skewb at the World Championships last year but still considers the event a joke!).

Martin Vaedele Egdal and Luke Garrett certainly are better at somewhat opposing events, while they are both ranked 118th in the world for Fewest Moves average, Martin is significantly better at Skewb, Square-1 (he once held the world record in Square-1) and blindfolded events, however, Luke Garrett is significantly better at Pyraminx, Clock and 3x3, events that probably get him more attention at the moment. 

About two years ago, Martin Vaedele Egdal was way ahead in sum of ranks and he opened the possibility of whether he could be top-100 in the world for every single event, both single and average ranking, however, when clock was revolutionized with 7-simul, he seemed unable to keep up, it will be interesting to see if he puts up a serious challenge to reclaim the title of best cuber in the world by sum of ranks or whether Luke Garrett is able to just pull further ahead in 2025.

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