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Scottish Championships to take place at the end of May

Scottish Championships to take place at the end of May

The UK will held its first ever regional championship at the end of May this year. This was confirmed during Edinburgh Winter 2025 after much speculation, the competition will soon be announced on the World Cube Association website. The competition is due to take place at the same venue in Edinburgh, the Meadowbank Sports Centre, but in the larger hall.

This will be the first time a region of the United Kingdom has held its own championship as despite opposition from some people there, Scotland is still part of the United Kingdom. However, regional championships are not that unusual, they are common place in the United States with many state championships being held, as well as larger regional championships such as West Coast and East coast championships.

Eligibility for prizes will be based on the Scottish rankings database eligibility, to be eligible for any prize you must sign up to be on the Scottish rankings database after demonstrating that you were either born in Scotland or have lived there for a sufficient period of time.

I do like Scottish competitions but unfortunately I probably won't be sponsoring this particular competition, hopefully there will be many more competitions that I can sponsor coming soon.

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