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MoYu AoChuang V6 unboxing (Dual and triple track)

MoYu AoChuang V6 unboxing (Dual and triple track)
I have been very impressed with the AoChuang V6, I have been using a core magnetic AoChuang WRM as my main 5x5 for a while now and my solving method seems to work well with it, however, this made me very excited for the new AoChuang V6 because I figured that if I preferred the AoChuang WRM over the Gan 562 and Hong anyway then of course I was going to prefer a new MoYu 5x5. I have not been disappointed, my initial impressions have been that I have preferred the dual track but I will hopefully get more of a chance to properly try the triple track as well, I instantly switched my main to the dual track version before even setting it up and competed with it the day after opening it for the first time.

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