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MoYu Super RS3M 2022 3x3x3 unboxing (Standard + Maglev)

MoYu Super RS3M 2022 3x3x3 unboxing (Standard + Maglev)

The Super RS3M 2022 is MoYu's 2022 update to the RS3M 2020 which is by far the best selling cube of all time on, MoYu have finally created a cube that is in some way designed for Maglev technology, the RS3M 2021 was just a copy of the RS3M 2020 with Maglev and that meant that it was way too fast out of the box, the RS3M 2022 Maglev is not quite so fast out of the box but is still pretty fast, I am not sure yet though whether these are actually better than their predecessors.

You can buy them here:



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