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QiYi quietly releases another decent budget 3x3 before the Tornado V4

QiYi quietly releases another decent budget 3x3 before the Tornado V4

There is loads of hype at the moment surrounding the Tornado V4 which is due to be released in the coming week or two, in the mean time it seems QiYi have quietly released another budget 3x3 that could potentially provide some clues as to what the Tornado V4 will look like. The QiYi M Pro Elite feels decent, however, I seem unable to get my normal times on it and it does have a slight lack of corner cutting so I really hope that won't be replicated on the new Tornado V4 when it does finally come out. The QiYi M Pro Elite is a fully magnetic 56mm speedcube but unfortunately, other budget cubes which are even a few pounds cheaper will probably outperform it.


Buy it here if you want.

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