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YACT: new smart cube racing application

YACT: new smart cube racing application
YACT (Yet Another Cube Timer is a speedcubing timer built for Bluetooth smartcubes. It has been tested on 8 different smart cubes from various brands, such as the Gan I3, Gan 12 UI, QiYi SCS and WeiLong V10 AI.

On YACT you can do solves without needing to touch the mouse or keyboard, it will then record every move and analyse it, assuming you do CFOP. It will say which cross colour you did, pair colours, and last layer cases, as well as how much time was spent on recognition Vs execution. The important stats are shown without needing to toggle anything and try to understand what's happening. 

YACT also has an algorithm trainer, where you can select which case you practice and see how fast you are, and see your slowest cases. They plan to implement a database of algorithms soon, with the option to change which algorithm you use for a particular case, and use that to decide to practice execution or recognition with AUFs for algs you've learnt. 

YACT also provides a features where cubers can race against each other in a head to head format, with the same scramble, and see who wins the most solves in a 'best of n' setting. People with cubes from different brands are still able to race against each other.
This seems like a very exciting project and I would encourage people to test it out, as most smart cubes are built by Chinese brands, they are often not designed primarily for english speakers and the apps developed by each brand also block access to smart cubes from other brands so it is up to speedcubers to develop such applications themselves.

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